Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

I’m Still Loving You Part 1

-Kim Donghyun
-Jung Jessica

~Starship Office..

Boyfriend was do their practice for they perform and their manager called Donghyun like wanna talk something.

Manager      : “Donghyun-ah! Come here please”
Donghyun     : “Ne..”  *Donghyun run to him.* “Wae hyung??”
Manager      : “I just wanna told you. You have special stage with So Nyeo Shi Dae member”.
Donghyun     : *shock* Jinjjayo??
Manager      : “Ne..and tomorrow you have practice with her at SMTown office. I’ll pick you up at 08.30 AM. Don’t be late arra.”
Donghyun     : “But, which So Nyeo Shi Dae member who have special stege with me hyung. Nugu??
Manager      : “Jung Jessica”
Donghyun     : *shock for the second times* “Mwo?? Jessica??”
Manager      : “Ne..wae??”
Donghyun     : “E..Aniya.” *shake his head*
Manager      : “Keure. I have to go now. See you later. Galke” *leave*
Donghyun     : “Ne, Kamshamnida” *bows*
Jeongmin     : *run to Donghyun* “Wuaa hyung..You’re so lucky. I’m jealous.”
Minwoo        : “hyung~ can I be your self?? I wanna do special stage with Jessica noona too.” *pouts and laugh*
Donghyun     : “Mworagoyo?”
Kwangmin     : “I know Minwoo is Jessica’s fanboy. Wah, you must too jealous Minwoo-yah.”
Minwoo        : “Ne..I’m really jealous.”
Donghyun     : “Shut up dongsaeng-ah” *look at Hyunseong and leaving practice room*
Hyunseong    : *look at him*
Youngmin      : *Just wonder with Hyunseong and Donghyun*
Jeongmin     : “What’s wrong with him? He’s don’t like this project?? Well, I can replace him.” *innocent*
Minwoo        : *stare at Jeongmin* ß fanboy :D
Kwangmin     : “Maybe cause he have special stage with snsd member who he’s don’t like”.
Jeongmin     : “Wae?? Sica noona is prettier in snsd I think. Then, who he’s like in snsd member??”
Kwangmin     : “Molla.”
Youngmin      : “Yuri noona”
Minwoo        : *nods*
Hyunseong    : “What did you say huh?? I think not like that.” *following Donghyun*

~SNSD’s Dorm..

Jessica just sit alone and Hyoyeon come to her and sit beside her.
Hyoyeon       : “What are you doing sica??”
Jessica        : “Anni~ nothing..”
Hyoyeon       : “You look worried about something. Tell me what happened..!”
Jessica        : “I just have special stage with a boy.”
Hyoyeon       : “Mwo?? You often have special stage with boy right?? Then, why you being like this?? Who is he??”
Jessica        : “Donghyun..”
Hyoyeon       : “Donghyun?? Boyfriend??
Jessica        : *nods*
Hyoyeon       : “Then, any something wrong with you both??”
Jessica        : “actually…”

Jessica told Hyoyeon about something..

Hyoyeon       : “Jinjja??”
Jessica        : “Yak! You shocked me..” --“
Hyoyeon       : “you shocked me first..jinjjayo sica??”
Jessica        : “Ne..”
Hyoyeon       : “Aigoo~”
Jessica        : “what should I do hyo??”
Hyoyeon       : “Ok. Just act like nothing happened with you both or our manager will know.”
Jessica        : “Do you think I can do it??”
Hyoyeon       : “Molla..I hope.”
Jessica        : *sigh*

Next day..

Donghyun already arrived at SMTown office. He’s waiting someone in the lobby.
Donghyun     : “Aishh..where is she??”
Jessica        : *go to the lobby and wave hand to Donghyun* “Annyeonghasseyo..” *bows*
Donghyun     : “Ne, Annyeonghasseyo..” *bows back*
Jessica        : “Let’s go to the Practice room. I think you a bit late..” *smile*
Donghyun     : “Ne..”
Jessica        : “Kajja..”
Donghyun     : *following Jessica*

At Vocal Practice Room..

Jessica        : “Annyeonghaseyo..” *bows to the teacher*
Donghyun     : “Annyeonghaseyo..” *bows*
Teacher       : “Ne, annyeonghaseyo. Oh, Donghyun-sshi, You already come??”
Donghyun     : “Ne, Son saeng nim..”
Teacher       : “Hahaha..just call me hyung ne?? Nice to meet you..”
Donghyun     : “Ne..nice to meet you too hyung..”
Teacher       : “Okay, let’s start now. Here, the lyric. Do you know this song Donghyun??”
Donghyun     : “One year later?? I ever hear this song I think. But, who’s the singer??” *thinking*
Jessica        : Yaah~! This is my song. I sing this song with Onew Shinee. You didn’t know?? Aigoo~ poor you..
Donghyun     : Poor me?? I’m not..*mehrong*
Jessica        : *mehrong back*
Teacher       : *giggles* “Yaah~! Stop it now..ok. we start from Donghyun..”

One hour later..
At Dance Practice room~

Teacher       : “Donghyun-ah..in the last part you have to hold sica hand and hug her like you really miss her..Arasso??”
Donghyun     : “Ne..”
Teacher       : “Ok. Try it..!”
Donghyun     : *Hugging Jessica and whisper* “Just act like nothing happened with we both”
Jessica        : *nods*

And they’re enjoying their practice.
Donghyun and Jessica just act like nothing happened with them.
What happened with them?? I don’t know.. :D

~To Be Continue~

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